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Fun maths games videos

Get your child interested in maths with these games covering addition, place value, times tables, and more.

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Enjoying maths at home

Andrew Jeffrey talks about the importance of making maths fun at home. He includes an introduction to how maths is taught in the classroom, and suggests how your child could improve their maths skills by helping you plan a trip.

Times tables games

Andrew Jeffrey talks about his favourite games to help children with their times tables.

Dice games

Andrew Jeffrey shares five of his favourite dice games to help children with all sorts of maths skills, such as counting, addition, and subtraction.

Card games

Andrew Jeffrey shares three of his favourite card games to help children with all sorts of maths skills, such as counting, addition, and subtraction.

An ancient strategy game: Nim

Andrew Jeffrey proves that sometimes the old games are the best. Watch his introduction to Nim, the ancient mathematical board game.

Seeing number relationships

Andrew Jeffrey talks about games you can play with counters to help your child see how numbers fit together.

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