Oxford Owl videos > Storyteller videos > Julia Donaldson's Songbirds storyteller videos

Julia Donaldson's Songbirds
storyteller videos

Watch Julia Donaldson read some of her short stories from the Read with Oxford range of levelled early readers.

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Cat Naps

Watch Julia Donaldson read 'Cat Naps', a Stage 1 story from the Read with Oxford range of levelled early reading books. Top Cat and Kit Cat like to have naps, but where will they be safe from the yappy dog?

Mum Bug's Bag

Watch Julia Donaldson read 'Mum Bug's Bag', a Stage 1 story from the Read with Oxford range of levelled early reading books. Mum Bug has lots of things in her bag, but is it big enough?

Singing Dad

Watch Julia Donaldson read 'Singing Dad', a Stage 2 story from the Read with Oxford range of levelled early reading books. Dad loves to sing, all the time. What will Mum do?

The Odd Pet

Watch Julia Donaldson read 'The Odd Pet', a Stage 2 story from the Read with Oxford range of levelled early reading books. Viv has a very odd pet. What will happen when it lays some eggs?

The Wrong Kind of Knight

Watch Julia Donaldson read 'The Wrong Kind of Knight', a Stage 3 story from the Read with Oxford range of levelled early reading books. Nasim isn't like other knights, but is he the wrong kind of knight?

Paula the Vet

Watch Julia Donaldson read 'Paula the Vet', a Stage 4 story from the Read with Oxford range of levelled early reading books. Paula the Vet is a very good vet, but she wishes she could see an extraordinary pet.

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