Kids' activities > Age 4–5

Kids' activities: Age 4–5

Kids' activities for ages 3–4 Kids' activities for ages 4–5 Kids' activities for ages 5–6 Kids' activities for ages 6–7 Kids' activities for ages 7–9 Kids' activities for ages 9–11

Maths activities


Practise adding numbers.

Number problems

Practise dividing by two.

Counting 0–20

Practise counting up to 20.

What time is it?

Match the clocks to the time.

What's inside?

It’s present time! Match the shapes to the presents.

Match the shape

Can you find all the hidden shapes in the picture?

Whose is it?

Help each of the three bears find their things.

Matching pairs

Link all the muddled-up shoes to make pairs.

My day

Drag and drop the pictures into the right order.

Doubling numbers

Draw double the number of legs on each alien.

Three Little Frogs

Sing this fun action rhyme together.

Writing numbers

Practise writing numbers.

Taller and shorter

Compare height using the vocabulary of taller and shorter.

Add with Dice

Roll two dice and add them together.

English activities


Learn to construct sentences.

Vowel sounds (1)

Practise vowel sounds.


Practise retelling traditional stories.


Practise letter sounds and complete the words.

Recognising letters

Find two rows that have all the same letters.


Can you find the words in the wordsearch?

Jack and the Beanstalk

Drag the pictures to put this story in order.

Phonics guidance

Learn how to say the letters.

Phonics: sounds in words

Can you find the long vowel sounds in each word?

Starting to write letters

Practise writing the letters p, t, s and h.

Starting to write words

Label and then colour in this farmyard scene.

My favourite toy

Draw your favourite toy.

Musical notes

Find and colour the words that rhyme.

I will get you!

Draw a scary troll.

Winnie's wordsearch

Can you find all the words?

Flashcards, activity kits and books to use at home

Read with Oxford books

Read with Oxford

An exciting new range of levelled readers for children aged 3–8!
Read with Oxford >

Progress with Oxford books

Progress with Oxford

Fun activity books to help children aged 3–6 with English and maths.
Progress with Oxford >

Read Write inc. Phonics

Read Write Inc. Phonics

A step-by-step phonics programme to support reading.
Read Write Inc. Phonics >