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Welcome to our free eBooks collection, developed for children aged 3–11 years old. Help your young child learn to read, and love to read, with our range of over 100 free eBooks. If you'd like to learn more about how to support your child's reading, visit our Reading and Phonics made easy pages. For information about our range of levelled books for schools, visit our Oxford Reading Tree page or explore our Read with Oxford
pages to learn about our range of books designed to support reading practice at home.
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More books to support learning at home
Biff, Chip and Kipper
Our Read with Oxford series features the much-loved characters who have been helping children learn to read for over 30 years.
Levelled phonics books from the fabulous Julia Donaldson, author of The Gruffalo.
Read Write Inc. Phonics
A step-by-step phonics programme to support reading. Find out more about Read Write Inc. Phonics
Bond SATs Skills
Prepare for the KS2 SATs with these SATs Skills workbooks, flashcards and test papers.
Picking a dictionary
Blog: What to consider when choosing children's dictionaries.
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